Well, pour little William has taken quite the beating these past few weeks. First, before the surgery, he somehow acquired a massive scrape on his hip. He never told anyone, so we never saw it until it had already scabbed over. The thing was big though, probably 3 inches long! Oh well... I guess it didn't hurt that badly! So, then he goes for his surgery, has bandages around his crotch and is walking like a cowboy, and can't really run around much. And THEN, the day mama was coming home, Rosy hit him in the head with a rock and the screams coming out of that boy were nothing I'd heard here before! Hans, Vladymir and I run outside to see what's going on, and there's William coming down the alley towards the kitchen, his head spewing blood all over the place. It was dripping down his face, was spattered on his chest and legs and was all over the walkway. I have never seen anyone bleed so bad. I run for a wet cloth to press against the wound. My hand is quickly covered in blood, and I'm thanking God this is one of the few kids who doesn't have AIDS! Anyway, the hole in his head was pretty big, and the swelling had made a bump probably about a half inch off his little head. By morning though, when Trisha finally saw the damage, and after it had been squished with one of the girls' headbands to keep pressure, the swelling had dropped dramatically. He has graduated now to just a small band-aid.
Sponge bath for William. Can't get the stitches wet yet. |
Gotta wash them stinky pits! |
Hans and I went to Vladymir's church with him this past Sunday (the same church where he was recently married). Vladymir said he'd be here to pick us up at 7am sharp. So, Hans and I got up at 6:30 to make sure we'd be ready, and have had time to eat a little something, as we were warned church here tends to go for close to 3 hours many times! Waiting for him to show up, some of the kids woke up. Of course, William with his bandages everywhere, woke up, and when we told him to go back to bed, he climbed back into his bed, stepping so very carefully at the edges of the mattress, butt straight up in the air and hands at the front of the bed frame. I asked what he was doing, and quickly realized he had wet his bed and 90% of the thing was sopping wet! Deciding we couldn't leave him that way, we changed the sheets, wiped down the bed and him, and redressed his wounds, as they too were sopping wet with piss (even his head bandage!). It reeked as you can imagine. I felt my gag reflex kick in a few times while wiping the mattress down! Don't know how such a little boy can pee sooo much!
Anyway, back to church. Vladymir finally got here around 7am, and the three of us took a tap tap to our turn off from the main road. This was my first tap tap ride (Hans's second). It was fun! I tried to get some pictures, but the go-stop-massive-speed-bump ride made it a bit difficult. There are a few below though. From there, Hans and I shared a moto taxi (motorbike) from the main road to the church itself. That road was full of rocks and more speed bumps. There was one point, we almost tipped over because we had to slow down so much!
On the moto taxi on our way to the church. |
On the way back home. (Vladymir is the guy standing on the right). |
We finally got to church, and sat in the back section. Our bench was very popular for some reason, and I ended up sitting with one shoulder behind Vladymir's and the other in front of Hans. Wasn't the most comfortable, but at least we were up and down a few times to break up the awkward seating arrangement! It was long indeed, and not speaking the language just emphasized that feeling. There seemed to be a lot going on though... people talking, singing and walking around while the service was going on. Babies were getting passed around so much, I couldn't even tell who the mother was anymore! I found that all a bit odd... But what I found the most humorous, was that church is just a great cell-phone-charging hub. Every outlet in the room had chargers hanging from them, with cell phones squished between the wall and the pipe to hold them there. People were constantly checking their phones, and switching them out when one was finished.
Hans continues to implement his school schedule, and it seems to be going well. I've been helping with it when I can (and finding I have very little patience at times!), but have otherwise been working on elements of the website. Websites are a lot of work! And trying to work on that while also trying to be around and helping with the kids is a hard combo to master. We've made some worksheets on the computer for math and clock work, and we are very excited about them. Too bad Trisha wasn't able to find the right ink for their printer when she was in the States. Hopefully they'll be able to get ink the next time they're up there. By leaving materials, we're hoping that school can continue even after we leave.
Our studious pupils (L-R): Gessica, Nadia, Christian and William |
I continue to get bitten by mosquitoes. Hans too. It almost seems to actually be getting worse. My room seems to have become a breeding nest for them. It used to be just my calves and feet, but now it seems to have spread to other areas as well, in particular, my bum. Don't know why, but they really seem to like it. Maybe the bloods a little sweeter... I think I counted about 20 bites just on one cheek. Don't understand why Trisha and Ray don't have problems with them! They don't even use repellent!
Crazy little Mason |
Rosy washing the potatoes in preparation for HASH BROWNS! |
For the rest, things are going well. Hopefully this burying myself behind the computer thing will end soon! Being the perfectionist that I am, it's sometimes hard to say when to stop! We'll be sure to let you know when it's done and up.
If it's possible, we think to stay here until the middle of December now. That way, we can not only continue the school schedule for a little longer, and get more materials, but we can also go see the country a little more before leaving. We think to start that this coming Saturday by going up into the mountains. The elections are this weekend (the 28th), and private vehicles are not allowed on the road in many areas, so we can't go too far. Should be a great start though.
Hans found a frog peeking at him while getting ready for his shower... That board is actually a wall between the showering area and my room. |
Hans's hands were peeling away from all the cement at work. They've cleared up by now luckily! |
The kids love watching me work on the computer, and decided to build their own "computers!" I love the mice especially (a toy construction truck with wheels, so they can move it around!) |
The smaller images can be seen larger if you'd like. Just click on them, and the image will load in a new window. But, that's all for now. We'll try to get some new stuff up soon again!
Posted by Abra